You have reached Nancy and Grace Phillips, the folks who write about healing plants, organic apples, and fungal friends. Michael, apple grower extraordinaire, passed on from this earthly orchard in late February, 2022. Plans for this year's harvest are currently under revision.
Here at Lost Nation Orchard we grow over a hundred varieties of apples available for sale in northern New Hampshire. You'll learn all about our healthy apples and cider doings by opening the orchard portal above. This quick text link in turn will get you on our orchard mailing list for weekly varietal updates throughout the fall harvest season.
Michael books continue to engage and inform people seeking insights to growing healthy fruit can be found here. A brief reflection on the writing life is here. Like minded growers carry on Michael's research at the Holistic Orchard Network, where a group of experienced consultants can be found. Those opting for tomfoolery can listen to recent podcast interviews.
Check out our marketplace to order books and apple products. Much here is a work-in-progress as we esvolve our farm-based cidery and other new ventures. Be sure to check out Nancy's wellness website below for herbal classes and women's retreats.
We're honored to be on this journey with you!
Holistic Orchard Intensive Workshopwith Mike Biltonen, of Know Your RootsDates: June 8th & 9th, 2024 This “organic apple everything” weekend inspires people to pursue their own orchard dreams. Come gain the practical insights needed to establish your own fruit planting based on the biological systems approach used here at Lost Nation Orchard. click for more information |
New Program in 2024!
Holistic Orchard Apprenticeship Course8 Month Program Learning from Expert OrchardistsTopics will include but not be limited to: Building Orchard Health, Planting and Training Young Trees, Grafting, Diversity in the Orchard, Pruning, Holistic Sprays, Insect Balance, Choosing Varieties for Northern Zones, Heirloom Apples, Livestock in the Orchard, Biodynamics, Blending and Making Cider, and much more! click for more information |
The plant medicine side of our farm has evolved towards direct relationship with Nancy as a warm and generous teacher. Healing herb progams and radiant women retreats can be found at Heartsong Farm Wellness. Please ask her about personal and group coaching options. Our land abounds in green plants and natural remedies, which we recognize as essential to a healthier life.
Lost Nation Orchard is looking for 'cider press shareholders' to make a modest investment in local agriculture. Essentially we're forming a membership-based cider club for those who wish to drink real (unpasteurized) cider. What are the odds of finding that kind of support in the North Country? Production will not begin in 2022 as originally planned, but will likely commence in 2023. Under those circumstances, your interest and support is appreciated.
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